AI & Machine Learning

AI & Machine Learning

Learning systems are transforming all sectors of the economy and society!

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are changing the rules of our economy and society by leveraging the power of IT systems. Mobility, health, education, agriculture, trade, urban planning, finance, the military. The canton of Vaud has the resources and assets needed to excel in this virtual revolution.

The development of AI and machine learning has only just begun. Online, Twitter (X) and Facebook are training their algorithms to identify fake news to reduce the number of people affected. Researchers in Los Alamos, New Mexico, use machine learning to better predict earthquakes. 

In California, oceanographers are using AI to analyze 52 million sounds made by cetaceans and gain a better understanding of their changing ocean populations. Daily, voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Cortana learn by listening to the voices of Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft users.

Artificial intelligence is expanding the potential of existing IT and new digital technologies everywhere. Many applications perform impossible tasks until recently, such as in health-related fields. 

In 2016, the Watson supercomputer detected leukemia in a Japanese patient and guided doctors to successful treatment, suggesting that AI could outperform even the most experienced oncologists. The medical sector has uncapped potential in imaging, neurology, dermatology, and more.

With China and the United States leading this global race, Switzerland and especially the canton of Vaud are well positioned to become one of the most exciting areas of Europe for AI, machine learning, and deep learning.

Armed with expertise in cybersecurity and digital technologies, the canton boasts assets that will attract investors and entrepreneurs, including a solid economic infrastructure, first-rate research, a central location in the heart of Europe, and a proven ability to transfer technology.

Manoj Thacker


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