Moving from Start-Up Phase to Scale-Up Phase: A Crucial Step
Moving from Start-Up Phase

Moving from Start-Up Phase to Scale-Up Phase: A Crucial Step

Moving from Start-Up Phase

Moving from the start-up phase to the scale-up phase is a crucial step

In the latest issue of PME Magazine, Elisabeth Kim meets Caroline Schwarz and Charlotte Ducrot Real de Azúa, co-leaders of the Scale-Up community at Innovaud.

This complementary duo animates the Scale-Up Vaud community that revolves around this label. Their missions: to network the different scale-up directors, to create spaces for them to meet and discuss the challenges faced by these specific companies.

📈 Scale-Up Vaud in a few figures 📈
In 2024, 45 Vaud companies received this label, attesting to a growth of 20% for 3 consecutive years. In 2023, the scale-ups raised more than 500 million francs and created 6700 jobs, 2800 of which were in the region.

Discover the full interview in the latest issue of PME Magazine

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