Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey or already scaling, understanding how to effectively partner with corporates is crucial for your growth. Start-ups often face the challenge of navigating complex corporate environments and understanding the dynamics of successful collaborations. It’s not just about having a great idea; it’s about knowing how to make it work in the real world.
That’s where Tech4Growth comes in. This event is the perfect setting for start-ups and corporates to share and explore collaboration models that genuinely work. It’s not just theory; it’s about practical, actionable insights and connections that can drive real outcomes.
Meet industry leaders and presenters: Tobias Henz of McKinsey & Company, Raphaël Conz of Etat de Vaud, Alexander Finger of SAP, Liliane Ableitner of Exnaton, Laurent Botaya and Marie Chenais of Romande Energie, Nicolas Weber of Voltiris, Aurelien Commeureuc of SICPA, Romain Testuz of Rayform – THE RAYY, Bahaa R. and Michele Palmieri of CSEM, Ivan Michel Antolović of Pi Imaging Technology, Marco Gierten of Bayer Switzerland, Mathieu Horras of Aspivix, and Lan Zuo Gillet of EPFL Innovation Park.
Book your ticket now : https://tech4growth.ch/
CleantechAlps, Innovaud, Swiss Startup Association, Trust Valley, Women In Digital Switzerland, Vaud Economie.