Vaud ranks 1st in total funding raised in Q3 2024
Vaud ranks 1st in funding raised Q3

Vaud ranks 1st in total funding raised in Q3 2024

Vaud ranks 1st in funding raised Q3

The Swiss Venture Insights Q3 report shows that the canton with the most funding raised (over 178 MCHF) is Vaud, in front of Zurich and Zug.

Vaud’s success lies not only in the excellence of EPFL, but also in the solid ecosystem of start-ups that surrounds it.
In terms of venture capital investment per capita, Vaud also comes out on top, ranking 2nd between Zug (#1) and Zurich (#3) according to Marcel Salathé 👉

“These figures corroborate what we have been seeing in the field these past few months: a strong VC sector meeting the needs of our startup and scaleup scenes” says Yuliya Blaser, head of investment at Innovaud. “These are important signs indicating that the canton of Vaud is fast becoming the prime location in Switzerland to make successful investments in innovation.”

Learn more on Innovaud’s personalized services for #iNNvestors 👉

Source of the graph: Swiss Venture Insights – October 2024 by Venturelab

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Manoj Thacker


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