Why, What and for Whom – Technology for Purpose

Why, What and for Whom – Technology for Purpose


If you ever speak to a Nurse – a conversation will tell you more. – Nursing staff carry the stress of the patient care, while their concerns about declining reimbursements are unmet. – High-stress work environments and nursing burnout lead to professional disengagement among the staff. – Location and competitive salaries pose challenges for recruiting […]

If you ever speak to a Nurse – a conversation will tell you more.

– Nursing staff carry the stress of the patient care, while their concerns about declining reimbursements are unmet.

– High-stress work environments and nursing burnout lead to professional disengagement among the staff.

– Location and competitive salaries pose challenges for recruiting and retaining nursing staff.

– Nursing for 1:1 patient care means few nurses and resulting in heavy workloads and difficulty providing adequate care to all patients.

the list is long.. and solutions are not more nurses or more hours of work or more pay.. It is HOW DO WE RESPECT VALUE OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS

DS Box is an enabler with focus on healthcare facilities to do so much more with value of technology for healthcare ; improving patient care and monitoring, alongside operational efficiencies, response times, and the overall experience of visiting a clinic or hospital.

As the healthcare goes into yet another challenging year, consider the role that technology plays with a clear purpose of easing pressures on the service.

If you are a Tech Solution Provider or System Integrator in Healthcare, Let us collaborate and deliver Tech for Purpose

We partners with leaders in technology Milestone SystemsSAIMOSIntel CorporationDS Box

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Manoj Thacker


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