Ukrainian Startups are Global Startups
Ukrainian Startups are Global Startups
Ukrainian Startups are Global Startups

Ukrainian Startups are Global Startups

Ukraine produces founders with resilience, a proven track record who go on to create some of the world’s most successful tech companies like Grammarly, GitLab, Preply and Firefly, to name a few, Ukrainian early-stage startups are regular residents of Y Combinator and Techstars, and the ecosystem has successful exits like GitLab’s NASDAQ listing.

Success will breed more success as with any tech ecosystem, and Ukraine will continue to produce global, innovative tech products and companies no matter what happens to politics.

The most successful founders are targeting major international markets almost from day one. For most this would mean moving their headquarters to their target markets (US, UK, Asia etc). R&D offices stay in Ukraine to leverage access to the local tech talent pool.

The current crisis might even encourage innovation and creativity, resulting in even stronger potential that the Ukrainian tech scene can offer to the international community.

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Manoj Thacker


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